Beni Ouarain Rug

This rug is handmade entirely from local beldi wool—from shearing, cleaning and spinning to hand-knitting—by women in the town of Beni Ourain in central Morocco. Beni Ouarain is located at the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains.

The stripe patterns and color combination make this rug a one-of-a-kind inspiration from the craftswomen, resulting in a bright, vibrant, and textured piece of art.

100% Wool
Traditional tassels at one end
Handwoven in Beni Ouarain

View all Rugs

Size: 8'5" x 5'4" (size measured in feet and inches)

Shipping: Please note that all shipping is estimated, not guaranteed. This includes UPS standard shipping, two-day air, and next day air. We ship most rug orders internationally from our atelier, using DHL, and shipping will take an estimated one to two weeks—standard or expedited. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.   

Our one-of-a-kind products are made responsibly and with love. We believe that you get back what you put out. Please treat this piece with care.



Moroccan Beni Ouarain Rug #21 - RES IPSA
Moroccan Beni Ouarain Rug #21 - RES IPSA
Moroccan Beni Ouarain Rug #21 - RES IPSA

Beni Ouarain Rug

Beni Ouarain Rug

Regular price $1,450.00
Regular price Sale price $1,450.00
Sale Sold out


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